Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association June 26, 2023 Minutes of the Meeting

President Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

The minutes for the May 22 meeting were unanimously approved on a motion and second by Sally Coulter and Judy Huber.

LPD Captain Matthew Penrose reported on police activity in the DTL area. On account of the cyber attack earlier this year, the statistical analysis was not available. The Captain commented that there was typical activity for the first part of summer with a slight uptick in nuisance related disturbances and cars break-ins. LPD continues to plead with the public to lock their cars. There were a few calls to the local bars with a limited number of arrests. LPD accordingly has stepped up weekend patrols. There were 2 burglaries, one at the Life Alive restaurant on Middle St with the cash register stolen. LPD continues to monitor nuisance bike and motor scooter activity in the downtown areas through video surveillance and coordination with school resource officers.

Captain Penrose also mentioned that LPD, in coordination with other agencies, had removed homeless encampments near downtown and described efforts to assist the displaced with transportation vouchers and shelter suggestions.

Treasurer Greene reported a balance of $2,122, which reflects $40 in deposits and no funds expended.

Joann Marcos from the National Park Service spoke next regarding the upcoming 2023 Lowell Folk Festival and other Park Service programs this summer:

Folk Festival : Four stages again: Boarding House Park, Arcand Drive, St. Anne’s and Market Street. The Marketplace, “Experience Lowell” will be moved to the Enterprise Bank parking lot on Middle St.; Volunteers still needed including an assistant transportation coordinator.

NPS news : A new interactive exhibit “Once City, Many Cultures” opens September 23; canal boat tours, trolley service and walking tours are operating two days/week with schedules available on NPS website.

Jack welcomed Allison Carter, Economic Development Director, and Elizabeth Oltman , City Transportation Director, to discuss Lowell’s forthcoming Open Streets pilot program for Fall, 2023. The program would involve creating a car free pedestrian zone on parts of Palmer, Shattuck and Middle Streets. Ali and Liz took several questions and suggestions from the membership to incorporate in their planning.​

After a few announcements including news of a forthcoming grant for bridge replacements and repairs, the meeting adjourned following a vote on a motion to adjourn by Stephen Greene and Sally Coulter at 8:17PM

Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association April 24, 2023 7:00 PM. LTC Meeting room Minutes of the Meeting

Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Featured guests: Assistant City Manager Yovani
Baez-Rose and District City Councilor Wayne Jenness.

The minutes of the February meeting were approved on a unanimous vote, following a motion & second
from Stephen Greene and Judy Huber.

Treasurer Greene reported our current balance is $2,242.29 , which reflects $190 in recent deposits
against zero expenditures.

With the city’s computer systems down due to a cyber “event,” LPD Captain Matt Penrose adapted his
monthly report to an overview of police activity in the downtown district. He touched upon the ongoing
investigation into the grafitti/tagging situation in downtown and other parts of the city. He also reported
that with the warmer weather, the traffic disrupting bicyclists are being seen; he reiterated LPD policy of
restraint on pursuit for safety concerns. The Department does utilize surveillance to identify youthful
riders and engages with schools and parents to address concerns.

Captain Pemrose also reported that downtown bars are busier but that disruption and conflict have thus
far been minimal. He cited the Department’s proactive approach working with the business owners and
guests. Captain Pemrose also talked about the city’s effort and frustrations in dealing with loitering
issues. He finally reiterated that the overwhelming number of automobile break-ins are due to owners
leaving their vehicles unlocked. He provided an interesting description of how would be perpetrators
sweep through a street to find unlocked cars.

We received word that Ms Baez-Rose would be unable to join the meeting as scheduled for a discussion
about the status of the Hamilton Canal Innovation District.
Councilor Jenness updated the meeting on two items on the 4/25 City Council agenda: one to establish
sister city agreements with two cites in Cambodia; another, a proposed loitering ordinance. Mr. Jenness
reported that the city is ready to start installing new parking kiosks. He is actively supporting
amendments to the Chapter 90 funding formula along with an updated road maintenance plan. Another
initiative he is supporting is a petition to the Mass School Building Authority (MSBA) requesting formula
changes to support greener energy practices. Finally, he announced that the City has received funding
for the Complete Streets program. On a question about projected parking garage rate increases,
Councilor Jenness is hopeful that increases will be within the normal range.

Announcements: The Points of Light Celebration at Ecumenical Place is April 29, 6-10 PM. Volunteers
The Town and Country Music Festival, April 28-29

With no further business, the motion and second to adjourn by S. Greene and W. Jenness, was
unanimously approved at 8:27 pm.​

Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association March 27, 2023 7:00 PM – LTC Meeting room

Minutes of the Meeting

Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Featured guest: Jessica Wilson (DPD) and City
Councilor Wayne Jenness.
The minutes of the February 27 meeting were approved on a unanimous vote, following a motion & second
from Laura Lamarre Anderson and Wayne Jenness.
Treasurer Greene reported our current balance is $1,862.29, which reflects $289 in recent deposits
against zero expenditures.
LPD Captain Matt Penrose, newly assigned to the Downtown Area District, introduced himself and
presented an overview of 2 months of data for the Downtown district. There were 3,377 calls for
service logged in as follows:
524 Medical, EMT etc.
925 Proactive (calls for information, walk ins and reach outs)
369 Motor vehicle related (accidents, tickets, assistance)
206 Disturbances (loud music, fights, trespass)
30 Reportable crimes (burglaries, car breaks, vandalism, graffiti)
6 car breaks (all unlocked vehicles!)
6+ arrests including 1 for graffiti!!!
Overall, Captain Penrose reported the aggregate data presented are consistent with traditional monthly
report levels and indicative of low crime and consistent law enforcement presence in the Downtown
Jessica Wilson from the Department of Planning and Development representing Lowell Forward (the
agency coordinating the Master Plan update) addressed the group and conducted an information and
data gathering session for the Master Plan update. Jessica suggested that future planning relies on
collecting citizen input from Lowell’s various neighborhoods to identify Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats. Jessica then turned the session over to the attendees to provide input and
prioritize their ideas and concerns. The collected input will be shared to Lowell Forward; the projected
date for completion of the Master Plan is late 2024.
In other business Stephen Greene discussed the challenges and confusion pertaining to new textile
disposal rules and procedures. He stated there is a textile bin at the DPW facility on Middlesex Street;
and others at some of the elementary schools. The closest to downtown is the Rogers School on
Highland Street. More information is available at the Solid Waste and Recycling website –
https://www.lowellma.gov/195/Solid-Waste-Recycling .
Councilor Jenness announced the upcoming City Council Subcommittee on Neighborhoods was meeting
on April 3, at 7PM. He also reported the city has stepped up graffiti clean-ups, and he is working with
Canal St neighbors and the Traffic Department on issues involving speeding and cut through traffic.​
Prior to the call for adjournment, Jack Moynihan congratulated outgoing co-chair Carolyn Alphen and
her husband Paul on the recent birth of baby Charlotte.
Finally, on a motion and second from Sally Coulter and Wayne Jenness, the meeting adjourned on a
unanimous vote at 8:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,

LDNA Minutes – February 27, 2023 LTC Gallery Meeting Area

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Jack Moynihan

Jack Moynihan introduced himself as chair and noted that our past co chair Carolyn Alphen delivered baby Charlotte a few weeks early. Both are doing well. Secretary Bob Casey is away and treasurer Stephen Greene will take notes. Also present were Representative Vanna Howard, Councilor Wayne Jenness, Lowell Public School Superintendent Joel Boyd, Phil Sisson, President of Middelsex Community College (MCC)

  1. Approval of minutes
    The January minutes were approved.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    LDNA has $1,573.29 in its bank account. The treasurer as per usual reminded the meeting that he would be glad to collect voluntary membership donations after the meeting.
  3. Police Report 
    Police Report Sargent Tracey Kelly of the Lowell Police Department introduced herself. She is a Lowell resident and has been on the LPD for 24 years. Since she is a last minute stand in, she was not prepared to report on downtown crime. She did take questions and comments regarding on ongoing issues. These included: Bar closing issues, including Uber pick up areas; pan handlers; late night drinking in the Roy Garage; numerous overdose responses; graffiti. There is a new tagger. There was a suggestion for a Spring Graffiti clean up and a reminder to call in graffiti to get it on the list for response. The River Walk and Lelacheur Stadium were noted for graffiti; kids on bikes and dirt bikes in the streets were discussed again.
    Resident were reminded of the Snow Parking Ban for that night.
  4. Annual Election
    Having no nominations form the floor, the existing officers:
    • Jack Moynihan, Chair
    • Robert Casey, Secretary
    • Stephen Greene, Treasurer
    • were nominated, moved and voted to serve a new term for 2023.
  5. Guest Speakers
    Representatives from the Downtown Lowell Partnership spoke, Superintendent Joel Boyd led the introduction of the Downtown Lowell Partnership which also includes Representative Vana Howard, Phil Sisson, MCC and the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce (not present). Lowell High is the 2 nd largest high school in Massachusetts and located in the downtown. With 4,000 high school students and ~3,500 Middlesex Community College students, there this a lot of activity, both positive (business activity and $$ spent) and potentially negative (anxiety over crowds and rowdy kids) for downtown. The high school is not an open campus so students should be in school from 7:40 to about 2:40 The objective of the Downtown Lowell Partnership is to foster a safe environment, enhance education and help the downtown to thrive. The Partnership is looking for a few downtown residents to represent the neighborhood at the table for a few hours each month. The objective is improved communications and mutual respect for students, downtown businesses and residents for the benefit of all. Sort of like the “neighborhood of the past” where everyone knew each other and ​ looked out for each other and the neighborhood. The Partnership is just starting and looking for a few interested folks.
  6. General Information
    • Councilor Jenness began with information about a plan for a small open space park on Jackson Street on what is currently a small vacant City lot.
    • Notify Me, https://www.lowellma.gov/list.aspx , on the City web site is available for get notification from City Hall on many departments, the City Council, etc.
    • There has been no further activity on the proposed increase in Parking Fees – fee increases are part of the overall city fees structure which needs review.
    • Nothing to report on the Municipal Election vote for an elected mayor.
    • Hamilton Canal Development should consider mixed use. Commercial development has been languishing since Covid. The dirt pile on Parcel 15 (side of NPS parking lot) will be moved Textile donation and disposal will be reported at our next meeting. Textiles are banned from trash. Looking for guidance on how to best manage.
    • Downtown trash barrels have been overflowing. Should be picked up twice a week, but some staff and weather problems. Comment that there has been business and residential misuse of these thrash barrels.
    • Stephen Greene asked attendees to encourage support of the MA Labeling of Flushable Wipes bills – SD 1211 and HD 2639. Wipes have created serious sewer clogs for municipalities as well as buildings, leading to environmental release of sewage and building damage/expense. The snow parking ban announcement this evening included a message of no parking within 20 feet of an intersection. Vehicles parking too close to an intersection can block plows, fire trucks and rubbish trucks.
    • Some of the snowbanks at downtown intersections blocked access to the pedestrian walk buttons.
    • Traffic flow from Middlesex on to Thorndike going south at the Lord Overpass is a dangerous and needs attention during this phase of the construction.
  7. Adjourn Meeting
    adjourned at ~ 8:35
    Next Meeting will be in person at Lowell Telecommunications, Monday, March 27 at 7 PM
    Submitted by Stephen Greene, secretary pro tem

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association
November 28, 2022 7:00 PM.
LTC Meeting room
Minutes of the Meeting

Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Featured guests: City Manager Tom Golden;
Economic Development Director, Allison Carter; Transportation/Traffic Engineer, Elizabeth Oltman; and
City Councilor Wayne Jenness.
The minutes of the September 24 meeting were approved on a unanimous vote.
Treasurer Greene reported our current balance is $1,553.29.
LPD Lieutenant Jack Cullen’s monthly police report for the downtown sector indicated typical activity,
and most of the criminal activity resulted with arrests and/or resolution. Two break-ins on Appleton
Street resulted in arrests. There were also 6 auto break-ins, 4 of which involved unlocked cars. LPD
continues to caution residents to lock up their vehicles and keep valuables out of sight. There were five
assaults in the sector including: a fight on Market St; 2 stabbings in the South Street area, and a fight at
Market Mills with a firearm recovered. Finally, there was a smattering of vandalism including 2 broken
windows, graffiti, and shoplifting at 200 Central with a suspect charged. Lt. Cullen attributed some of
the activity to a recent influx of homeless persons in Lowell.
City Manager Golden had requested time on the agenda to discuss and receive input on the idea of
instituting an overnight (2-6 AM) parking ban throughout the downtown neighborhood. (To his credit,
he kept his appointment while grappling with a massive water main break on western side of
Downtown in the Father Morrisette Bvd. Area.)
Manager Golden stressed that his proposal was just that: an idea to generate discussion and input from
stakeholders. There were no immediate plans to implement the program. He suggested that a parking
ban would improve safety and cleanliness of downtown streets, making the city’s “economic engine”
more welcoming to businesses. He reported that prospective new businesses are hesitant to commit to
downtown due to lack of adequate street parking. After his short presentation, he stressed he wanted
to listen to reactions and ideas from the assembled meeting.
Several members spoke offering opinions and suggestions for improving downtown conditions. While
no one embraced the proposal, several residents offered a variety of ideas. Resident Michael Gallagher
spoke as both a downtown resident and business owner. He cited the hardship the parking ban would
pose especially for residents’ quality of life; the convenience of overnight parking is vital for residents
arriving home in the late night, or getting on the road in the early morning. He further stated that he
sees ample parking spaces available for residents, visitors and clients. Jamie Klufts also expressed
concern that many resident do not feel comfortable walking from the garages in the late night and again
stressed that the ban would make downtown living less attractive even as we want to continue to grow
the downtown residency. Jamie also suggested some changes to daytime parking policy to increase the
turnover rate of parking spaces. (eg. Parking should be limited to hours with no renewal allowed). ​
Various members mentioned problems with the current parking conditions including many broken
meters and poorly functioning kiosks. Councilor Jenness acknowledged that he heard many concerns
from residents and stated that new meters and kiosks for DTL are slated for installation in 2023.
Bobby Tugbyiele prefaced his comments by informing the meeting that he was recording the meeting
since the topic was of great interest to a wider population than typically attends LDNA . He then
mentioned that excluding overnight parking creates hardship for those with disabilities. Others present
reinforced the safety issue for those not comfortable with late night trips from the city garages along
with ideas for improving the business climate. Finally, letter from the 30 Market Street Condo
Association was read, indicating opposition to a parking ban.
Manager Golden thanked LDNA members for a productive discussion and invited the membership to
designate a small group to meet with him to continue the discussion and search for ways to make DTL a
more vibrant neighborhood for residents and businesses. Co-chair Jack Moynihan thanked the manager
and members for the positive exchange of ideas.
The meeting returned to its original agenda with an informal presentation from Lowell’s new economic
director and traffic engineer, both of whom joined the city administration during summer 2022. EC
Director Allison Carter introduced herself as someone who most recently held a similar a position in the
town of Arlington. Before that her experience included work in urban planning and historic preservation
as well as non-profits. She finds Lowell an excellent fit for both her skills and interests. She is continuing
to listen and learn and recognizes that Lowell is a city with diverse mom and pop enterprises along with
larger businesses and corporations all located in an array of neighborhoods with distinct characteristics
and needs.
Elizabeth Oltman indicated that she comes to the Traffic/Transportation Engineer from the private
sector where she applied her skills to problem solving and designing plans for individual traffic plans and
projects. With 15 years experience in both NJ and MA, her interest in coming to Lowell is the
opportunity to design and problem solve for the larger, dynamic system that is our city. She indicated
that while she is assessing overall needs, she has worked on traffic calming proposals and the city’s plan
to implement a reduced speed limit on most city roadways.
With the hour late, there were a few questions about the Central Street Bridge and the recently vacated
Goodyear Tire store on Merrimack St. Both Allison and Elizabeth thanked LDNA members and indicated
a desire to maintain communication with residents.
Prior to adjournment, Carolyn Alphen stated she would be stepping down as Co-chair in 2023 in
anticipation of new family obligations, to which she received both congratulations and the gratitude of
LDNA for her service.
With no further business, on a unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,

LDNA Minutes – October 24, 2022

The meeting was called to order a 7:00 PM.
After introductions, Jack Moynihan noted that the guest speakers would come to the November
meeting. One speaker had a last minute family issue and both wanted to speak together. He also
reminded us that the September meeting had been cancelled.

  1. Approval of minutes The August minutes were approved. There was no September meeting.
  2. Treasurer’s Report LDNA has $1,513.29 in its bank account. The treasurer as per usual
    reminded the meeting that he would be glad to collect voluntary membership donations after the
  3. Police Report Captain Jack Cullen presented the Police report for Downtown. Interim
    Superintendent Barry Golner also contributed to the Police Report and policing activities.
    Downtown 9/23/22 to 10/23/22
    Assaults – 4 all involved arrests
    Burglary – 6
    Car Breaks – 5 mixed cases. Regular reminder to lock your car and not leave valuables visible.
    Disorderly – 4 all arrested.
    Robbery – 2
    Shoplifting – 0
    Vandalism – 14 broken window, car keyed, car egged. 1 arrest and 1 charged
    Capt. Cullen mentioned that there have been problems in the JAM area (Jackson, Appleton and
    Middlesex) some of it related to influx of homeless who have come north from Mass and Cass /
    Boston. Lowell has been recommended as a city that provides services. The city is working
    with the state to provide services and hopes to develop a better regional approach.
    Interim Superintendent Golner explained that the police department is working with the new
    recently hired homeless coordinator (position had been vacant for awhile) to coordinate mental
    health services which should help the current situation. He said this is not an issue that you can
    police your way out of.
    Golner noted that there are more police on walking tours from 2 to 10 PM. He added that there
    is an ongoing hazard with discarded hypodermic needles. The City has someone who safely
    collects them daily. There was a High School shooting at Middlesex Street with immediate
    arrests through the use of the mobile cameras. The Department is looking into getting more
    mobile cameras and improving existing city mounted cameras, better resolution, pole mounted
    and closer to the ground. Current mounted cameras tend to be higher on buildings. A resident
    of Ayer Lofts noted that the blue light of the mobile camera station can be intrusive to residents
    at night. That said, the cameras have helped quiet the late night activity at the Enterprise
    parking lot. In praise of the mobile cameras, 2 individual were apprehended within 30 steps of
    a shooting.
  4. Guest Speakers – Not this meeting. Allison Carter, Economic Development Director, and ​
    Elizabeth Oltman, Traffic Engineer, will join us for our November meeting
  5. General Information
    Councilor Jenness transitioned the Police report to General Information. He is proposing to the
    City Council to have a summit with other Gateway Cities to discuss homelessness and the need
    for mental health services. He is working on restarting the City’s Hunger and Homeless
    Council. Also getting the state to help provide related services but not in the downtown. There
    have been a lot of South St Shelter users hanging out in the area. There is nothing to be done about the
    Central St Bridge pan handler. He is a veteran. No new news on the SNOT tagger other than
    someone saw his tag in Hampton Beach.
    Halloween Monster Bash in Downtown will be Saturday 12 – 3. Regular Halloween is Monday
    5 – 8 PM.
    Lowell City of Lights is Saturday 11/26
    Councilor Jenness will hold a fundraiser at Warp & Weft 11/14 5:30 – 8 PM
    Suprintendent Golner talked about the department’s Lowell Police Youth Services Program
    including a boxing gym and flag football as well as an early morning school program. For more
    information, the email is lpdyouthservices@lowellma.gov . He also mentioned the
    Neighborhood Action Group which addresses Citywide neighborhood issues.
  6. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 7:45
    Next Meeting will be in person at Lowell Telecommunications, Monday November 28 at 7 PM
    Submitted by
    Stephen Greene, secretary pro tem

LDNA Minutes – August 22, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Jack Moynihan. The meeting was then turned over to Carolyn
Alphen who did introductions: Co Chairs Carolyn and Jack, Treasure and Secretary pro tem Stephen
Greene. Councilor Wayne Jenness was present. Guest speakers are named below.
1 .Approval of minutes May and June Minutes were moved (Jack and Sally seconded) and approved.
2.Treasurer’s Report There is $1,393.29 in the association’s account. This reflected the $200 pending
disbursement mention in June for Victorian Garden plantings.
3.Police Report Captain Cullen provided the Police Report. There were 3 aggravated assaults with
charges, 2 burglaries with charges for 1, 7 car breaks (6 cars unlocked, 7
th had visible valuables), 6
vandalisms with some charges including a tagging which was charged, 2 shopliftings, 2 disorderlies (1
drunkenness and 1 screamer who was arrested. Captain Cullen reminded folks to lock their cars and not
leave valuables visible.
There have been some homeless issues downtown with new faces who have said they are from Boston.
Lowell was a recommended destination. Also, some rehab centers are dropping released patients off in
Lowell. Lowell is considered to provided good services.
The night bar scene has been generally quiet. Knock on wood!
Police recruitment has been slow. There is competition for qualified candidates. The City is using a
cadet program to vet and train additional potential officers. Auxiliary police officers are volunteers and
generally are used for large event traffic control and not regular police duties,
There have been fewer walking beats this summer, but there has been an additional patrol car. More
walking beats will return as staffing is filled in.
While the police do patrol the downtown garages, they are not responsible for security. It was
commented that both security and cleanliness (bad impression for people visiting the City) have been a
problem in the Roy and Hamilton Garages. No one commented on the John St Garage.
Resident comment that large trucks have been running red lights in the Lord Overpass construction area
near the Gallagher Terminal posing a serious pedestrian hazard.
Captain Cullen commented that speed radars which collect speeding information are in use, but are not
used for enforcement.
4.Guest Speaker – Howard Amidon, from the Greater Lowell Community Foundation, discussed this
year’s Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race. At the 200 block of Market St, September 17th 11:30 AM start. This
section of Market street will be closed at 6 AM and reopen at 6 PM. More information is available at
LowellKinetic.com. Howard mentioned that they are anxious to have tech and robotics companies
come and hopefully participate next year. Currently ~ 12 teams are participating in the race.
He also give a brief presentation on Mosaic Lowell www.mosaiclowell.org In short the idea is to make
the many cultural activities in the City easy to find through a friendly, easily searchable web site. Mosaic
Lowell is marketing the City for its many cultural activities, both to its citizens and the 4 million people
who live within a 50 mile radius of the City. There is a draft plan that will be available in a few weeks.
They are planning a street art event on Saturday September 10th
One comment was to use email to notify interested searchers of events they have selected or interest
areas and with plenty of time in advance of the event.
5.Guest Speaker – Aurora Erickson discussed some of the Lowell Senior Center’s offerings and handed
out their August Bulletin which lists the numerous activities at the Sr Cent. The intended audience is 60
years or older. Breakfast and lunch are served daily ($1 and $2.50 suggested donation). Daily menu is in
the booklet. The Sr Cent is interested in hearing new ideas for activities or events. There numerous
local trips at a bargain cost as well many senior services available and in multiple languages.
Early Primary Voting – The Senior Canter will be open for early voting starting on Saturday, August 27th
(8AM to 8PM) through Friday September 2
nd (8 AM – 12 PM)
Expect a post card in the mail explaining that some downtown residents will be voting (Primary Day,
September 6
th ) at the Rogers School.
6..General Information Councilor Jenness reported briefly on a number of motions has pending for the
August 25 City Council meeting. These include the crossing at Merrimack and Shattuck to improve
pedestrian safety; review earlier parking study; pilot deployment downtown of dog waste pick up bag
dispensers; construction update for LHS; an open street program for Merrimack or Market for a
weekend day (saw good response from this years Folk Festival); look at Broadway and Dutton
intersection after 2 building crash in less than 6 months.
Central St bridge work has restarted. Lord Overpass work to be completed in Fall of ’23. The new
stretch of Merrimack River Walk has not opened. Concern over loose and falling bricks from adjacent
Comment that the Bruce Freeman Trail should be connected to the Gallagher Terminal via the Concord
LRTA needs to do better on garage operation and transit service. Service should be improved when road
construction detours are eliminated.
No action yet on direct election of mayor.
Donations, in lieu of membership fees, were accepted by yours truly, as the treasurer,
7.Adjournment Jack moved adjournment at ~8:15
Next Meeting in person at LTC, September 26, 7 PM
By Stephen Greene, secretary pro tem

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association

June 27 , 2022 7:00 PM.

LTC Meeting room

Minutes of the Meeting

Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Featured guests: City Manager Tom Golden;
Joann Marcos from National Park Service; and Erin Daniels, Arts and Cultural Programming, LFF; City
Councilor Wayne Jenness.
Because of a technical glitch, the minutes for the previous meeting were not available and will be voted
on at a subsequent meeting..
Treasurer Greene reported our current balance at $1,493.27 with expenditures outstanding to bring the
total to $1343.29
Captain Cullen from LPD presented the monthly police report for the downtown sector. With a total of
13 incidents, there was an altercation among people known to each on the 100 Bridge Street area with
2 individuals charged. A series of slashed tires in the River Place area resulted in an individual
apprehended and in custody. There were 4 burglaries, occurring in either businesses or construction
sites, where 2 of the perpetrators were caught in the act. Also, 3 vehicles were burglarized on Prescott
and William Streets. Captain Cullen reminded owners to lock their cars and keep valuables out of sight!
Re: the graffiti/tagging outbreak around DTL, the Captain stated that the matter has the attention of
LPD, and the new City Manager!
Lowell’s newest City Manager, Thomas Golden, gave a brief statement and then took questions. Seven
weeks into the position, he spoke of the progress he was making in building his own City Hall team and
filling the large number of open positions in city departments. He spoke of projects to improve the look
of downtown including painting light posts, removing excess signage and monitoring street cleaning and
trash removal.
In response to questions that came up: With 9 steel beams ready for delivery from Casco Maine, Mr.
Golden expects work on the Central Street Bridge to resume with the goal of having the project area
open to two-way traffic by December 2022 and final work completed mid 2023. With regard to the cost
overruns, the CM reported reaching an agreement with MA DOT to split the amount evenly between the
city and state agency.
Regarding the coming primary and state elections, the CM pledged to work with the Election
Commissioners to insure that voters were fully informed about any changes in voting locations as
determined by the recent changes in districts and precincts.
Manager Golden spoke of the need to create more housing, and mentioned the Hamilton Canal District
and the East Campus prime spots. On the question of revitalizing “upper floors” of many downtown
buildings, the Manager again saw affordable housing units as a good option. He also pointed to the
soon to be completed Lord Overpass project as benefit to traffic mitigation and new development in the
city. ​
A final question about the now vacant Court buildings on Hurd and Gorham Streets came up. The
Manager explained that these properties remain under the control of the state agency (DCAM) and he
would be investigating their status.
Councilor Jenness also contributed to the discussion and pointed to the progress made by having the
city require the developer clear, clean up and fence the construction site near the new sculpture at the
edge of HDIC and adjacent to the Lowell Justice Center.
The final portion of the agenda was devoted to plans for the upcoming Lowell Folk Festival on July 29-Joann Marcos with Erin Daniels reviewed the reconfigured festival including changes to some of the
stage locations and food pavilions. Along with mentioning parking sites, she also stressed that a free
shuttle was running from the Gallagher terminal to downtown during festival hours. Joann finally
sounded the clarion call for volunteers and provided applications.
Joann also announced that the Park Service was conducting Merrimack River rides on Monday and
Thursday evenings with canal tours Thursday -Saturday at 11, 12 & 2pm.
With no further business, the motion to adjourn from S. Cerand and S. Coulter passed unanimously at 8:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association May 23, 2022 7:00 PM. Minutes of the Meeting

Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Special guests included Christopher Pynn from
Lowell Pride and Jon Pierre Smith, proprietor of Flip Flop Store on Central Street.
On a motion from Stephen Greene and a second from Sally Coulter, the minutes for the April 25 meeting
were unanimously approved.
Captain Cullen from LPD presented the police report for the downtown sector. With a total of 12
incidents, slightly lower than April, there were a few assaults among people known to each other that
resulted in arrests. There were 3 burglaries, all in businesses, where 2 of the perpetrators were caught in
the act. As reported in The Sun, there was a prostitution sweep resulting in arrests. As noted the activity
was discovered on the outskirts of downtown in the Back Central area.
Questions came up regarding the uptick and annoyance of dirt bikes wreaking degrees of havoc on
downtown streets. Captain Cullen explained the safety oriented no chase protocol but emphasized that
the Department is actively working on the matter with various actions including confiscations of bikes
and citations to operators. Additional questions came up about security lapses at the Hamilton Garage
and the proliferation of graffiti in the district, both of which are under investigation.
Christopher Perna spoke next about upcoming events for Pride Month in Lowell which included June 4
City Hall flag raising followed by an afternoon festival and celebration at Kerouac Park. The festival was
to include bands, food trucks, and free tie dyeing for the children.
The final speaker on the program, JP Smith Sr fromFlip Flop addressed the mission of the store as more
than vintage retail, but also as a community out reach center promoting artists from under represented
areas; a commitment to assisting reentry for previously incarcerated and helping people struggling with
hunger, homelessness, and narcotics. Jon spoke with pride as a black owned business owner about his
desire to enliven downtown with both the rich array of merchandise but also and the style and grace of
a multicultural, family oriented business.
The meeting ended with a motion from Sally Coulter seconded by Bob Casey to adjourn at 8:12 pm
which passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey, Secretary

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association April 25, 2022 , 7PM LTC Meeting Room Minutes of the Meeting

Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Special guests in attendance were Francesca Cigliano from the City’s Division of Planning, Zoning, Community Preservation Act (CPA) and Conservation and LPD’s Lieutenant Marisol Nobrega. On a motion by Steve Greene and seconded by Sally Coulter, the minutes of the March 28 meeting were unanimously approved. Treasurer Greene reported that our bank balance was $1,333.29. Lieutenant Nobrega provided the LPD’s monthly report of police activity in the downtown area. A late night aggravated assault occurred on Shattuck St, with two individuals possessing firearms arrested. On the issue of dirt bikes wreaking a measure of havoc downtown, Lt. Nobrega addressed the concern and discussed the strict pursuit procedures that officers must follow to minimize further risk and injury to either the bikers or pedestrians and drivers. She indicated that LPD continues to develop plans and policies to safely reduce the activity. Also on her ledger were reports of various vandalism incidents and break ins at Mass Mills, a restaurant on ‘South Street, and a yoga studio on Jackson Street. In sum, the report indicates another month of relatively few incidents in the neighborhood. From the audience came a few questions about the uptick in grafitti and loud motorcycles. Councilor Jenness and LPD are aware and looking into these matters. Featured guest, Francesca Cigliano from the Department of Development Services, about Community Preservation Act, which was instituted by Lowell voters in 2020. She explained the purposes, funding mechanism, and recently approved projects with CPA funding. With CPA funds derived from a small surcharge on residential property tax bills and a matching formula from the state, CPA initiates projects focusing on open space and recreation, housing, and preservation. The projects are submitted for approval to the Community Preservation Committee, comprised of city officials and residents appointed by the City Council. The second part of the presentation was an activity to survey members to determine their priorities for CPA funding. Francesca discussed the survey results and took several questions from the floor. Councilor Jenness reported on the unanimous selection of new City Manager Thomas Golden to succeed Eileen Donahue. As CM Golden takes the reins, Councilor Jenness stated one of the greatest challenges facing the new administration will be to find replacements for a cadre of ​key positions that have become vacant, including that of the neighborhood services liaison and frequent presence at LDNA, Shauna Forcier. With no other business, the motion to adjourn by Sally Coulter and seconded by Steve Greene was unanimously voted at 8:13 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Robert Casey, Secretary

key positions that have become vacant, including that of the neighborhood services liaison and frequent presence at LDNA, Shauna Forcier. With no other business, the motion to adjourn by Sally Coulter and seconded by Steve Greene was unanimously voted at 8:13 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Robert Casey, Secretary