Minutes of the June 26, 2023 Meeting
Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
The minutes of the June 26 meeting were approved on a motion by Sally Coulter and Judy Huber.
LPD Captain Dan Desmarais began the police report by reminding residents that the best way to curtail car break-ins is to lock their vehicles. Additional activity in the downtown district included a few juveniles with BB guns apprehended following the Folk Festival; random downtown sweeps for nuisance wheelies, bikes and scooters; stepped up traffic stops for speeding; and increased surveillance in the Appleton Street/South Common area. With schools opening, LPD has assigned an additional officer to the district resulting in increased coverage through 9pm.
Jack introduced our fellow DTL resident, State Representative Vanna Howard who represents 46,000 residents in DTL, Back Central, Belvidere, and a portion of Tewksbury. Rep Vanna highlighted the 2024 budget which included increases for education, transportation, early childhood, mental health, family housing and workforce development. She also reported Lowell will receive 1.9 million in CH 90 funds, and 21.4 million in federal funds for bridge repair/replacement on Broadway St, Market St, Lawrence St and Swamp Lock at the Hamilton Canal District. Her office continues to work closely with MADOT on brush removal, clean ups and infrastructure projects. With respect to Public Health measures, Rep Howard indicated the state is tracking increases in tick bites and COVID. She strongly supported the implementation of 988, the state’s new suicide prevention hotline.
Treasurer Stephen Greene reported reported a balance of $2,192.29 with no deposits or expenditures.
Prior to adjourning, Jack mentioned some of the upcoming events that make for a lively period in DTL, including: International Overdose Prevention Day (8/31); the annual Kinetic Race (9/16); the opening of One Lowell, the NPS interactive exhibit (9/23); and the Bay State Marathon (10/15).
The motion and second to adjourn by Sally Coulter and Stephen Greene passed unanimously at 8:16 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,