7 PM, Zoom Virtual (Online) Meeting
A recording of the meeting can be viewed online at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Q-IbZ9RPVaGAxwY4yS6BcqJViJRFDy6jXuYf7ZmxuGuGFsAYbk1oMK_OBqYSVcRD.aq-FQlrf7ffgBDRZ?startTime=1621899648000
Carolyn Alphen
Jack Moynihan
Sam Litvin
Meeting called to order at: 7:02.
Opening greeting
Approval of minutes
March 2021 Approved.
Treasurer’s Report
(Report given by Carolyn in Steve’s absense) $1133.29 balance in account.
Police Report
Capt Jack Cullen – sector commander for downtown – stats not so good this month. Discussed downtown issues with residents.
Deputy Chief Mark LeBlanc introduced himself (now in charge of patrol)
Guest Speaker: Laura and Greg Lamarre Anderson
Inttroduced their new bookstore “LaLa Books” which will opoen at 189 Market Street (next to Warp & Weft) on July 23rd. You can find them online at:
Instagram @lalabookslowell
Twitter @lala_books
Facebook @lalabooks.lowell
- focus on childrens books
- focus on local authors
- looking to collaborate with local artists and small businesses
Guest Speaker: State Rep Vanna Howard
Provided update on FY22 MA budget – secured $25k earmark for downtown beatification/improvements. Also took questions and discussed issues including:
- hangings flower baskets for downtown streets
- need for more (and better maintained) trash barrels downtown
- opened district office downtown at 25 Central St (next to old court)
Guest Speaker: Brad Buitenhuys of Lowell Litter Krewe
Introduced Lowell Litter Krewe and spoke about their city-wide cleanup efforts.
General Information
– Discussion of possible return to in-person LDNA meetings. Would be best to have hybrid meetings
– New info kisok at Lucy Larcom Park courtesy of DIY Lowell.
Meeting Adjourns at 8:12.