Author Archives: Laura Lamarre Anderson

October 2024 meeting minutes

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the Meeting 10/28/2024

Treasurer Stephen Greene convened the meeting at 7:02 PM. 

A motion from Steve Cerand to approve the minutes of the September 23 meeting was seconded and passed unanimously. 

Treasurer Greene reported our bank balance unchanged at $2,342.29 

LPD Captain Daniel Desmarais reported about an incident from earlier in the day at Market and Central Streets where LPD received a call of a suspicious package left on the ground. Out of an abundance of caution, the department called for assistance from the state police who determined nothing nefarious in the package. LPD then reopened the streets and sidewalks. 

Crime stats for the district remained low overall. There were some sporadic fights involving a small group of high school students. The majority of the 11 car breaks were facilitated by owners failing to lock their vehicles. Complaints were issued on 4 suspects accused of assault; another arrest was made for a non life threatening stabbing whose victim left a trail of blood from South Street to Shattuck Street. 

A question about “porch pirates” came up, and the Captain indicated that the department is actively monitoring these activities; he reminded residents the best deterrent is always to have secure arrangements in place for their deliveries. 

Canal liaison Steve Cerand provided another update on the status of the long moribund Eastern Canal. He reported that a series of repairs are planned this month which will be followed by testing to determine if the years-long wait for a fix has been achieved. 

Councilor Wayne Jenness, with Councilor Vesna Nuon, invited members to attend the council’s economic development subcommittee meeting on November 12 at 5:30 PM where a review of the current parking ordinance will be discussed. Among the topics are proposals to expand the parking zones and also to increase meter parking from 2 to 4 hours.

City Engineer Ting Chang presented an overview of an ambitious plan in 2 phases to reconfigure and calm traffic on the mile long stretch of French St/Father Morissette Bvd from Bridge St to Aiken St. The street width would be reduced in places from 68’ to 36’ with bike lanes, drop off lanes and a raised crosswalk at Lucy Larcom Park. The intersection at Arcand Drive (site of LHS) would become a roundabout. 

Peter Aucella, representing the Lowell Summer Music Series, 

posed a few questions and urged the city project management team to work with his organization to minimize disruption to the iconic summer program. Another member urged city capitalize on opportunities to connect this new project with existing access points to The Riverwalk. 

Jack Moynihan was elected to represent LDNA on the Lowell Waterways Initiative committee on a motion from Wayne Jenness. 

Following a few questions and announcements, Treasurer Greene called for a motion to adjourn which quickly passed on a motion by Bob Casey at 8:08pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Casey,


AGENDA – November 25, 7pm at LTC

  • Approval of the minutes as written by Bob Casey, Secretary
  • Budget update from Treasurer Stephen Greene
  • Police Report from Lt. Dawn Beauchesne 
  • Introduction from Chris Wyett of the Edge Building, an apartment complex, off Father Morissette Blvd
  • Information from Christine Wilkins of Lowell Loves Wildlife about alternatives to rat poisons  
  • Updates from Downtown City Councilor Wayne Jeness

Upcoming Events:

City of Lights festival – Saturday, November 30, including the DIY Yuletide Market in JFK Plaza – will result in some street closures

See the LikeLowell or the Mosaic Lowell calendars for all events

NEXT MEETING is Monday, January 27 2025, 7pm at LTC

There will be NO MEETING in December – Happy Holidays

April 22, 2024 meeting minutes

President Laura Lamarre Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. 

The minutes of the March 25 meeting were approved with a correction changing Honda to Hyundai (on a motion and second from Wayne Jenness and Stephen Greene).

Treasurer Greene reported our bank balance unchanged from March, at $2,312.29. 

LPD Lt . Dawn Beauchense reported crime activity at the typical low levels downtown. Most of the cases were cleared with suspects and arrests taken. Some of the illicit deeds involved 3 aggravated assaults and and burglaries along with 5 charges of disorderly conduct. There were 2 Tic Tok inspired car breaks, and the lieutenant again advised Kia and Hyundai owners to install steering wheel locks for added deterrence. The 6 vandalism cases varied from barbecue sauce smeared on a door to rocks hurled through windows. 

A few comments followed, including a note of gratitude for LPD’s response to addressing piles of trash behind the Saab Building and continued monitoring of conditions at 103 Central Street. 

Re: a question about LPD staffing levels, Lt Beauchense indicated a new class with 16 recruits is slated and that the Citizens Academy has started with a new group. 

Francesca Cigliana from the city’s Planning Dept gave an overview of Lowell Forward, the city’s updated 10 year planning document. Her power point presentation covered the history of the project and a summary of the key tenets that will guide the next decade of planning and development in Lowell. With respect to growing our downtown neighborhood: mixed use development, mid rise buildings, and improved pedestrian and transit infrastructures are priorities. 

Upon approval of the Planning Board and City Council, Lowell Forward will be implemented. 

District Councilor Wayne Jenness spoke next with a brief history of Hamilton Canal Innovation District plans and an update of the currently stalled downtown project. The city sold 5 parcels to developer Sal Lupoli in 2020 with the understanding certain parcels would be developed in compliance with a form based plan. To date, only a 6 story garage has been built, leaving 4 lots untouched. The councilor explained that Lupoli is asking for substantial changes to the plans which have left the City Council contemplating whether to agree to the requests or consider terminating the agreement. Wayne asked for input, and the consensus of the meeting was that the city should not yield in its commitment to the original HCID master plan. 

Member Steve Cerand, who is active with the Canal Cleaners and acts as liaison to the owners of the canal system spoke next. He mentioned that the Pawtucket Canal ( which runs behind Jackson and Prescott Streets) has been empty for most of the past year for maintenance and unexpected repairs. His latest info is that repairs should be completed by May 17 with the canal to be filled shortly after. 

Prior to adjournment, former President Jack Moynihan noted 2 important events for downtown: The Town and City Festival (April 26-7); and The Points of Lights celebration at Ecumenical Plaza on May 11. Member Ken Michienzi invited members to check out to learn more about water quality, sewer overflow and untreated waste water levels of our mighty river. 

Laura stated there would be no May meeting (due to Memorial Day) and adjourned the meeting at 8:20 on a motion and second from Bob Casey and Steve Cerand. 

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Casey,

Recording Secretary

JUNE 24, 2024 meeting agenda

Meeting to be held at LTC on Market Street, June 24, 2024, 7pm – all are welcome

  1. Approval of the minutes as written by Bob Casey, Secretary
  2. Budget update from Treasurer Stephen Greene
  3. Police Report from Lt. Dawn Beauchesne 
  4. Ranger JoAnn Marcos will bring us up to date on summer offerings for LNHP and Folk Festival.  
  5. An overview of the proposed Business Improvement District with Ali Carter, Director of Economic Development and Liam Skinner, Downtown/Business Coordinator
    • Focus group questions for downtown Lowell residents that will inform the Downtown Lowell Business Improvement District Steering Committee. Some questions to start thinking about in downtown Lowell:
    • What’s great about downtown Lowell that we want to enhance?
    • What’s not working?
    • What actions would benefit your students and visitors?
  6. Some options for spending our money for our neighborhood
    • Clean up and planting in conjunction with the Lowell Litter Crew (with volunteers to adopt the spaces to water and weed through the season)
    • Clean up followed by a Block Party in conjunction with the Lowell Litter Crew
    • LDNA support of the National Park’s Fall Cleanup, and contribute to their cookout afterwards
    • An evening Downtown Business Stroll with a passport to punch and/or refreshments/treats at each participating location funded by LDNA
    • An outdoor social gathering (would require checking on permits and such to see if we could do refreshments, a tent, music, etc)
    • Other ideas?
  • Upcoming events in the downtown
    • Lowell Summer Music Series has already begun
    • Free Fun for Kids series at Boarding House Park starts July 11(mostly on Wednesday & Thursday mornings)
    • July 4th – can’t yet find any information on city festivities – please share if you know!
    • July 26-28 – Folk Festival