Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association May 23, 2022 7:00 PM. Minutes of the Meeting

Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Special guests included Christopher Pynn from
Lowell Pride and Jon Pierre Smith, proprietor of Flip Flop Store on Central Street.
On a motion from Stephen Greene and a second from Sally Coulter, the minutes for the April 25 meeting
were unanimously approved.
Captain Cullen from LPD presented the police report for the downtown sector. With a total of 12
incidents, slightly lower than April, there were a few assaults among people known to each other that
resulted in arrests. There were 3 burglaries, all in businesses, where 2 of the perpetrators were caught in
the act. As reported in The Sun, there was a prostitution sweep resulting in arrests. As noted the activity
was discovered on the outskirts of downtown in the Back Central area.
Questions came up regarding the uptick and annoyance of dirt bikes wreaking degrees of havoc on
downtown streets. Captain Cullen explained the safety oriented no chase protocol but emphasized that
the Department is actively working on the matter with various actions including confiscations of bikes
and citations to operators. Additional questions came up about security lapses at the Hamilton Garage
and the proliferation of graffiti in the district, both of which are under investigation.
Christopher Perna spoke next about upcoming events for Pride Month in Lowell which included June 4
City Hall flag raising followed by an afternoon festival and celebration at Kerouac Park. The festival was
to include bands, food trucks, and free tie dyeing for the children.
The final speaker on the program, JP Smith Sr fromFlip Flop addressed the mission of the store as more
than vintage retail, but also as a community out reach center promoting artists from under represented
areas; a commitment to assisting reentry for previously incarcerated and helping people struggling with
hunger, homelessness, and narcotics. Jon spoke with pride as a black owned business owner about his
desire to enliven downtown with both the rich array of merchandise but also and the style and grace of
a multicultural, family oriented business.
The meeting ended with a motion from Sally Coulter seconded by Bob Casey to adjourn at 8:12 pm
which passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey, Secretary

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